
Archive for the ‘Just for Fun’ Category

Tomorrow is Monday, the first day of the week before many of us depart for the Christmas holidays. To start your week off on a lighter tone, I thought I would share pictures from our walk today in Huntley Meadows Park (Fairfax County, Virginia). Huntley Meadows path

We have snow in Virginia, thanks to a light dusting we received earlier in the week. The paths in the park were still snow-covered, but the sun was out and the walk was enjoyable. Visiting this wetland area in the summer is fun, as there are plenty of heron, ducks, and turtles to watch. Today, however, we just saw tracks–and lots of them.Huntley Meadows, animal tracks in the snow Huntley Meadows, sun and animal tracks

The best surprise came at the end of our walk when we came upon a beaver den built right next to the raised walkway! Clearly, these were busy critters, and–judging by the hefty tree branches near their home–they weren’t finished. Huntley Meadows, beaver den

So, here’s hoping that your week–if busy–will be productive. And happy holidays!

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